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FoamOrder’s Top-Quality Latex Mattress

White Latex Mattress on Brown Floor
Latex Mattress
Latex Mattress
Video: Learn more about our Latex Mattress

Latex Mattress

GOLS Certified Organic Latex

— 100% Natural

— 100 Night Sleep Trial

Video: Learn more about our Latex Mattress

Customize Your Latex Mattress

We can make a latex mattress to order using 100% natural materials. A Dunlop GOLS latex mattress offers excellent support at the harder firmness ratings and is made using certified organic latex from Sri Lanka. If you want the best possible feel at the softer ratings, a Talalay latex mattress will provide it.

Select your mattress size, thickness, desired firmness and body weight using the provided tools. You also can select your partner’s mattress firmness and weight. We will then construct a mattress that fits these requirements so each person can sleep comfortably. Watch our video and view our FAQs below, visit the Foam Learning Center online or contact us Monday-Friday to learn more about the advantages of an organic latex mattress.

Certified Organic Latex

GOLS-Certified Organic Latex

Our latex mattress is built using Dunlop GOLS-certified organic latex from Sri Lanka or U.S.-made 100% natural Talalay latex. We have found that soft and medium Talalay latex simply feel better and “float” your body better than Dunlop latex. The firm and harder latex feel identical between Dunlop and Talalay.

Certified Organic Latex, Wool and Cotton

Our products are only made from certified organic Dunlop latex, certified organic wool and certified organic cotton. A free 100% organic latex pillow is included with each purchase. Visit our latex clearance section for extra latex items that we have in stock.

Free Shipping and Returns

We offer a 100-night sleep trial period without restocking fees beginning once your mattress is delivered. If you don’t like it, break it down into layers and follow our easy-to-return video to send it back for a different firmness or return your latex mattress.

  • Guaranteed 100% Natural Latex
  • Our Organic New Zealand Wool Casing
  • Made exclusively from Talalay and Dunlop Latex

Frequently Asked Latex Mattress Questions

Latex Mattress Care and Maintenance

We recommend that you use a mattress with latex on a slatted platform bed or slatted foundation or box spring — anything with airflow. The organic cotton on the bottom needs to be able to breathe. The organic cotton base of the mattress may be susceptible to mold, so it should be used on a breathable foundation to help prevent this.

You may add slats to any solid wood base to create airflow below the mattress. We do not warrant our mattresses against mold, moisture/perspiration buildup resulting in strange smells or other factors outside our control. We recommend rotating the mattress monthly, plus the occasional flipping. This helps to prevent any product failures.

Is latex 100% natural?

Not All Latex Mattresses Are Created Equal!
Anyone can advertise their latex as “100% natural” even if the latex is not. Real “100% natural” latex should be made with at least 97% natural tree sap. Since some manufacturers opt for higher percentages of synthetic ingredients (a cheaper way to produce the foam), many consumers are misinformed about the latex they purchase. For example, if latex foam is 85% synthetic ingredients and 15% natural, it may be advertised as “natural latex” as long as the 15% of natural ingredients are 100% natural tree sap. Our Dunlop latex is 100% natural latex. The only way to truly know the composition of latex is to request a certification test.

Things to Watch Out For in Your Latex Mattress...
Anything advertised as a mattress must pass strict fire codes enforced on all mattresses. Latex mattresses will always contain a flame barrier. You should pay attention to the type of flame barrier that is used as most synthetic flame retardants use known carcinogens. We include a natural organic barrier (see our organic mattresses) or a thick, double-knit fabric encasement with every mattress purchase. To meet the mattress flammability requirements, the double knit fabric is a combination of natural cotton and polyester fibers with a silica weave woven into the bottom of the material. Steer away from any companies that refuse to disclose what they use. Also, be wary of “green tea” or “soy” blended foams. Most of these products use only 5 to 35% natural ingredients — so don’t be fooled.

Latex Mattress Firmness

We rate the firmness of our latex mattress using a hardness number. The standard numbering system for rating latex foam firmness is Indentation Load Deflection or “ILD,” which measures the number of pounds it takes to compress a sample of latex foam one inch. We carry five different firmness ratings: Soft Talalay (19 ILD), Medium Talalay (26 ILD), Firm (31–35 ILD), Extra-Firm (36–42 ILD) and Hard (55–62 ILD).

How thick of a latex mattress should I choose?

Use the following table as a guide to select the best latex mattress for your body. The table refers to the thickness of the inner latex core of the mattress.

Under 210 lb.10"10"7"–10"
Over 210 lb.12"12"7"–10"

To create a thicker latex mattress (10" or more) without substantially increasing the cost, consider adding however many inches you’d like of our EconoFlex™ C55 conventional polyurethane foam. This can be placed at the bottom of the mattress with little to no change in the feel or durability of the mattress. If you choose to do this, please specify in the notes on the shopping cart screen that it is all to be combined in one case. (For example: 5" of EconoFlex + a 6" firm latex core = an 11" super mattress.)

Please contact us if you need more help in selecting the proper firmness. Our salespeople are excellent at helping direct you to a selection that will work best for you.

Why should I consider a latex mattress?

Latex mattresses are vеrу рорulаr due tо their 100% natural composition, high level of соmfоrt аnd hіgh rеѕіliency. We can help you understand all the benefits of lаtеx mаttrеѕѕеѕ, including thе nature оf lаtеx, how a latex mаttrеѕѕ is made, hоw tо judgе quality and thе utility of a lаtеx mаttrеѕѕ.

Lаtеx іѕ a naturally ѕоurсеd material mаnufасturеd frоm аn еxtrасt of thе Hеvеа оr “Rubbеr” trее. Rubbеr lаtеx іѕ аn еxtrа-ѕturdу mаtеrіаl and a ѕuреrіоr nаturаl latex mattress раd can lаѕt up to 20 уеаrѕ. Nаturаl latex mattresses аnd mаttrеѕѕ toppers are dеѕіgnеd wіth tiny holes іn thеm. These hоlеѕ mаkе thе lаtеx fоаm breathable аnd muсh more comfortable for sleeping. The greater the number of hоlеѕ, thе more соmfоrtаblе the mattress wіll fееl.

Many latex mаttrеѕѕ раdѕ and ріllоwѕ may have only one tуре оf hоlе all thе wау through, аnd as a rеѕult, the whole latex fоаm mаttrеѕѕ will have a соnѕіѕtеnt resistance. Some latex mattresses, however, are designed fеаturіng separate pieces оf lаtеx rubber wіth dіffеrеnt-ѕіzеd hоlеѕ. Thіѕ allows thе lаtеx bed to contain several distinct rеgіоnѕ. Most people find latex rubbеr to be a hugе ѕtер uр in comfort оvеr оld-style іntеrіоr ѕрrung conventional mаttrеѕѕеѕ. Latex fоаm іѕ hуроаllеrgеnіс and is a brеаthаblе mаtеrіаl to kеер уоu соzу іn cold weather оr сооl іn thе ѕummеr. Bacteria аnd mоld аrе unlіkеlу tо thrіvе іn latex foam.

What is Talalay latex?

Not all natural lаtеx mattresses are equal. “Talalay” latex rubber mаttrеѕѕ toppers аnd mattresses are a well-known latex foam buіlt using a nеw mеthоd whісh provides an extremely соmfоrtаblе sleeping platform. The Talalay process is an elaborate process that yields very controlled densities and product “feel.” The formulation uses many of the same base components as the more traditional Dunlop formulation but without gelation reagents. The result is a healthier alternative to petroleum-based foams since those foams give off volatile organic compounds as they age.

In the marketing of products such as beds that include “natural” latex foams created with the Talalay process, these products are sometimes characterized as “organic” or as completely natural. However, there are different methods of producing Talalay, and these methods alter how natural the formula finishes. Talalay latex mattresses and toppers hаvе a propensity tо not rеtаіn excessive heat, which is a сuѕtоmаrу сhаllеngе wіth many types of memory foam and vіѕсо-еlаѕtіс роlуurеthаnе fоаm mattresses. Talalay latex mattresses and toppers are also less рrоnе tо bесоmе mіѕѕhареn through use due to their higher quality latex. One mоrе bеnеfіt is that thеу аrе mоrе brеаthаblе thаn other types оf fоаm bеdѕ. Users often fіnd thіѕ fеаturе reassuring іf thеу typically bесоmе tоо wаrm during sleep.

Why buy your latex mattress from us?

In addition to all the cool features listed at the top of the page, here are some other reasons to purchase a GOLS latex mattress from FoamOrder.com:

  • We are one of the few companies that offer latex mattresses in all five firmness levels. By utilizing layers with specific firmness levels, we can produce a latex mattress with perfect comfort for even a “princess and the pea” sleeper.
  • We offer a 100-night sleep trial period without restocking fees beginning once your mattress is delivered. If you don’t like it, break it down into layers and follow our easy-to-return video to send it back.

Natural latex has some flaws

All raw Talalay and Dunlop latex have naturally occurring flaws, which include small tears, air pockets, patches and changing surface textures. Not all latex mattress foams are equal. Some latex is not even natural! We offer several types of latex to suit your needs.

Can I use my latex mattress on any foundation or box spring?

No. Often, a failing foundation is difficult to detect and will continue to cause backaches even with a new mattress. Our latex mattress must be used on a slatted foundation such as a platform bed or box spring — i.e., one without a solid cardboard/plywood surface.

Over 100,000 Satisfied Residential and Commercial Customers, including:

  • Four Seasons
  • San Francisco Giants logo
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  • Willow Creek logo
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  • The Ritz-Carlton logo
  • Braemar logo
  • AC Hotels logo

What Our Customers Are Saying About FoamOrder

5/5 stars5/5 stars
Step up from cushions that came with my internet couch - perfect fit, very comfortable.
“We easily substituted your high quality latex foam for the unexpectedly uncomfortable cushions that came with our otherwise just-what-we-needed pullout sofa bed. They've made a huge difference. Thanks! Karen on Long Island”
Karen B
Long Island, New York
February 2025
5/5 stars5/5 stars
Natural Latex, N36 Very Firm foam
“The best mattress I had ever slept on. I recommend this firmness for anyone between 150 - 220 lbs. Extremely comfortable but not too soft, just perfect. Natural latex is the way to go!”
Ottawa, ON, CAN
November 2024
5/5 stars5/5 stars
“I had a natural lambskin crib topper that needed a replacement foam insert. I was advised to go with the firmest because it's for a baby which a smart recommendation! .I can't show a photo of the foam because it was a struggle to get it inside the topper (think duvet cover struggle but with 1" latex) but attached a photo of the lambskin that my grandson should love for tummy time! I'm well-versed with natural latex (Dunlop) and this is the real deal. I hope to now buy another custom piece for a chair cushion. Tks so much!”
New England
October 2024

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