Over 1,000 5-star Reviews

Custom Indoor Ottoman Cushions

Grey ottoman and couch in room with pink decorative accents

Select Your Custom Ottoman Cushion Shape

Don’t see the shape you need? No problem. Just choose “Pattern Shape” to make your own pattern and send it to us to cut to your exact pattern specifications.

Frequently Asked Ottoman Cushion Questions

Which foam is best for Indoor Ottoman Cushions?

Ottomans often get heavy use and rough treatment if they are in a high-traffic area of your home. If that’s the case, we recommend our long-lasting (20 years) Everflex™ foam. Medium V44 is usually the best option for ottomans between 3–6 inches. At 3 inches and below, we’d recommend a firmer V54 foam, and for thicker ottoman cushions, V34 might provide a softer cushioning. Whether your ottoman will be used for seating, or just as a footrest should also play into your decision, with seating requiring a firmer foam (since it will support a person’s full body weight and not just their feet). Our Customer Service team can provide friendly and helpful advice if needed.

Should I order dacron (polyester) batting for my Ottoman cushions?

An ottoman is one place where a dacron wrap is purely optional. Dacron batting is primarily to give a cushion a fuller look, so if your ottoman doesn’t need that, you can forego dacron wrap. If you do want the fuller look and extra comfort that dacron provides, we’d suggest a “wrap all sides” treatment for an ottoman cushion, or to put dacron only on the top and bottom of the ottoman cushion.

Over 100,000 Satisfied Residential and Commercial Customers, including:

  • Four Seasons
  • San Francisco Giants logo
  • Mezeh logo
  • Willow Creek logo
  • GFC logo
  • The Ritz-Carlton logo
  • Braemar logo
  • AC Hotels logo

What Our Customers Are Saying About FoamOrder

5/5 stars5/5 stars
What a wonderful company who assisted me in my custom order every step of the way!
“I will not hesitate to use FoamOrder again in the future. The quality of the cushion and its density was exactly what we wanted, and with the help of a fabulous representative we were able to get the custom measurements right to replace the cushion in an antique wing back chair. We could not be happier with the result!”
Lynne G.
March 2025
5/5 stars5/5 stars
Second purchase from FoamOrder, just as happy as the first time
“I inherited a couch from another family member, and its cushions were completely crushed and hurt to sit on after a while. I had used FoamOrder to replace my living room couch's cushions several years ago, and they have held up great, so I went to them as soon as I could to get replacements for this couch. Exact same material and binding, exact same great quality. Couldn't be happier!”
J Moran
Northern NJ
March 2025
5/5 stars5/5 stars
Perfect and quick
“Replaced the couch cushions that my kitten decided he wanted to mark! The cushions were perfect. Thanks for the quick work!”
Cat mama
Nashville TN
March 2025

Get Offers, Deals, & New Product Information

Custom Ottoman Cushion

Custom Ottoman Cushion

Dimensions: Width: 26 in, Depth: 26 in, Thickness: 4 in

Availability: In Stock

Price: $40.94

Create your own cushion

Custom ottoman cushions, typically 26x26x4, offer a variety of foam types and custom covers for different shapes and dimensions.